The real story of Patrick Winningoes-10 The entry was dark, but after closing the front door behind our shoulders, we noticed, on the left, an open door, which filtered a weak light. After we had gone through a poorly illuminated and narrow corridor, we turned into a staircase. There was not any sign of life all around. At length we … Continua a leggere The real story of Patrick Winningoes-10

The real story of Patrick Winningoes-9 - “After so many  experiments and such a meditation, I definitely decided to make the big footstep. I would  inject the “nouchefalon” of a man in the brain of another being of the same kind. The basic job was entirely developed. The premises seemed to be straight very good: all the similar experiments on … Continua a leggere The real story of Patrick Winningoes-9

The real story of Patrick Winningoes-8 How had succeeded, that strange old man, in transporting those visions down our sights, below the windows? The same visions I had still in my mind, being so fresh and real, we had just lived right that Friday of 9th November 1979 I was relating of! We had walked silently. Sometimes we crossed some … Continua a leggere The real story of Patrick Winningoes-8

The light side of the Moon

"In un'unica magia " di Sergio Sensi ed Ettore Goffi è una delle ultime fatiche letterarie di Sergio Sensi, originale e affascinante, scritta a quattro mani con Ettore Goffi e pubblicata da “AllStar (DigitalPrinting Excellence)". Si tratta di un lavoro multimediale che sposa  l’arte poetica con quella pittorica, con un CD musicale incluso (da gustare … Continua a leggere The light side of the Moon

The real story of Patrick Winningoes-7 Chapter 7 A little time later  we heard someone  knocking at the door. «Is everything all right?» –our guest asked. I went nearby George for asking him how he was feeling. -«I am very well, thank you»– he answered trying to hide from Mr Winningoes’ sight. Then in a low voice, eluding the hearing … Continua a leggere The real story of Patrick Winningoes-7

The real story of Patrick Winningoes-6 Chapter 6 At that question,  Mr Winningoes had set with extreme naturalness, George had brought a hand to his mouth, showing in his eyes an horrified gaze. Then he stood up, with the hand still on his mouth and ran out the room. I heard his long footsteps, through up the staircases. -«I am … Continua a leggere The real story of Patrick Winningoes-6

Recuerdos de un Italiano en Londres-15–EB9791221326505-i.htm. Cerca de la plaza de Leicester Square hay muchas taquillas, teatros, pubs, discotecas, restaurantes, clubes, bares y locales nocturnos, casas de cambio y tiendas de ropa; estos últimos, en su mayoría, son propiedad de comerciantes indios y pakistaníes, abiertos los siete días de la semana, desde las nueve de la mañana hasta altas horas … Continua a leggere Recuerdos de un Italiano en Londres-15

Recuerdos de un italiano en Londres-14–EB9791221326505-i.htm. Capitulo Tercero Leicester Square Leicester Square es una plaza no muy lejos de Piccadilly Circus. Desde allí se accede a través de dos calles cortas pero comercialmente importantes: Coventry Street y New Coventry Street. En el camino opuesto, hacia la amplia Plaza Trafalgar, alrededor de la Galería Nacional, en una calle llamada San Martín, … Continua a leggere Recuerdos de un italiano en Londres-14

Recuerdos de un Italiano en Londres-13–EB9791221326505-i.htm. Otros vendedores callejeros que conocí en Londres eran "los vendedores de espejos". Excepto por unos pocos separados en algunos lugares aislados, los vendedores de espejos se encontraban en su mayoría en una estrecha red de carreteras alrededor de la famosa Carnaby Street, el verdadero centro comercial del turista de Londres y que continuaba desde … Continua a leggere Recuerdos de un Italiano en Londres-13

Recuerdos de un Italiano en Londres-12 La tranquila vida diaria de Oxford Street a veces se veia interrumpida por la aparición repentina y casi fugaz de los "contrabandistas". Eran personas acechantes del este de Londres, menos malvadas y deshonestas de lo que su apodo podía suponer, que eran capaces de improvisar una venta en la calle de articulos de lujo … Continua a leggere Recuerdos de un Italiano en Londres-12